News from TROPAG

Cybercrime is an increasing threat and challenge for private individuals and companies worldwide. We are also increasingly seeing such crimes in the Tropag environment.

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Sustainability and social responsibility are not new topics for the Tropag – they have shaped our actions for many years. Now we have taken another important step and joined the UN Global Compact, the world's largest initiative for responsible corporate governance.

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Tropag won the contract to supply beryllium reflectors for ESS (European Spallation Source) in Lund/Sweden following an international tender and delivered the reflectors to the Forschungszentrum Jülich.

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Due to the attacks by the Houthi rebels on merchant ships in the Red Sea, several shipping companies have decided to abandon the usual route through the Suez Canal for the time being.

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Over the past 10 years, Tropag's group has more than doubled its turnover to almost EUR 60 million.

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Thanks to further changes and improvements, ...

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In order to emit less CO2 in the future and thus contribute to a better environment and more sustainability, Tropag had two charging stations installed in the company's own parking lot in May 2023, which enable the charging of electric vehicles.

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The term "Carbon Leakage" describes a shift of carbon-intensive production by EU-based companies to third countries with less stringent climate protection policies than the EU, or when EU products are replaced by more carbon-intensive imports. In order to minimize "Carbon Leakage" and additionally…

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On March 1, 2025, the old GMP+ Feed Certification (GMP+FC) scheme 2010 will expire and will be replaced by the new GMP+FC scheme 2020. Accordingly, all companies in the feed industry must have been certified with the new system by this day. In order to implement the new requirements as early as…

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Raw materials which are not mined and/or produced in the EU but are of particular importance are called critical raw materials. Their use and availability is of enormous importance for the development of industry in Europe, security, energy industry or aerospace. Therefore, they are very difficult…

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For the product manganese carbonate (CAS No.: 598-62-9; EC No.: 209-942-9) a change of the water hazard class (WGK) has been made in Germany. Manganese carbonate is therefore now in WGK (Water Hazard Class) 2.

Further information on the water hazard classes can be found on the database of the…

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As a member of BeST, we have been involved in the successful cooperation with authorities, companies and associations for the uniform determination of workplace limit values. 
These are accompanied by a voluntary product safety program (“Be Responsible”) for the safe use of the substance in the…

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The internationally approved CSR platform EcoVadis evaluated about 75.000 companies in 2020.

With 69 out of 100 possible points, Tropag secured a position among the best three percent of its industrial sector in this year’s rating – and received the EcoVadis gold medal in recognition of this…

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We are very pleased that we can welcome the year 2021 with 3 service anniversaries. Our employee Diana Schwanck is looking forward to a 5-year service anniversary in our company. Ms. Schwanck works in accounting and actively supports us there with her expertise. Jens Steenfadt is looking forward to…

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We are very pleased that we can celebrate the 20th anniversary of our colleague Nicole Rudolph's service in May. Nicole Rudolph has acquired an enormous amount of specialist knowledge over the past 20 years, which goes far beyond her area of ​​work in our service department. With a lot of…

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We are very pleased that we were able to celebrate the 30th anniversary of our colleague Petra Lübbers in January. A lot has changed in the past 30 years. All the more we appreciate the extraordinary commitment of Petra Lübbers, who has met the constantly increasing challenges with great care over…

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This month we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of our colleague Kristina Martins' service.

“Service anniversary” - that sounds a bit out of date. And in fact, such long periods of time at one and the same job hardly correspond to reality for the majority of working people today. However,…

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Tropag was awarded the Silver Level Rating by the global sustainability rating platform EcoVadis. In the overall rating, we are in the top 6% of the companies assessed by Ecovadis in the wholesale of chemical products, fertilizers, and agrochemical and other products. In the areas of labor & human…

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TROPAG as member of BeST (Beryllium Science and technology Association) together with the other members starts a product stewardship program for the safe use of beryllium. Our customers will be contacted and informed accordingly by separate mail.

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We are pleased to present you our new homepage today! With a modern, clear look and what we believe to be an optimized display on mobile devices, it offers our customers the highest level of functionality and clarity. In addition, the integrated and always up-to-date product database is a real…

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Tropag Oscar H. Ritter Nachf. GmbH 
Bundesstraße 4, 20146 Hamburg