The REACH regulation entered into force on June 1st, 2007.
Since then, a substance may not be produced or imported into the EU in quantities of more than one tonne per year if it has not at least been pre-registered (this also applies to substances in preparations/mixtures and, under certain conditions, also in Products).
For the completion of the extensive registration tasks, the REACH regulation provided transitional periods. Depending on the quantities of substances and certain classifications relating to health and the environment, these transitional periods were from 3,5 and 11 years since 01.06.2007 (article 23). We used these transitional periods to provide you with planning certainty as a user of our products.
We, resp. our suppliers, had all the substances that you receive from us, all pre-registered and since the 31.5.2018, with only a few exceptions, also successfully registered. This is also documented, for example in our safety data sheets.
We will continue to review and comply with the regulation and inform you of possible changes in the classification.
Further background information on the REACH Legislation and the terminology / definitions is available in national and industry-specific supporting materials and from REACH helpdesks (e.g. those provided by the national or European associations and Competent Authorities, for example ECHA – European Chemicals Agency).